Return Client - Consent Form(Please inform us of any additional changes to personal information.) Name * First Name Last Name Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Emergency Contact Information * Name of Artist * Who will be doing your work today? Brandon Chase Annie Heather Mykleangelo Knight Katy Mikey Nova Nathan Zoe Maxwell Nick Medical History * Have there been any changes to your Medical History? List any changes or write "None" or "N/A" INFORMED CONSENT TO RECEIVE BODY ART * PLEASE READ AND CHECK THE BOXES WHEN YOU ARE CERTAIN YOU UNDERSTAND THE IMPLICATIONS OF SIGNING. In consideration of receiving BODY ART from the practitioner at Black Lantern Art Collective, you confirm the following by checking each applicable item: NOTICE*: Tattoo inks, dyes, and pigments that have not been approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration have health consequences that are unknown. I understand the implications and will complete each section to the best of my knowledge. I am the person on the legal ID presented as proof that I am at least 18 years of age. * Yes I am under the age of 18 years old and have the presence of my parent or guardian to receive the body piercing. (Applicable only to underage body piercing. N/A if not applicable). * Yes No I am not under the influence of alcohol or drugs and that I am voluntarily submitting myself to receive body art without duress or coercion. * Yes I acknowledge that the information that I have provided in the medical questionnaire is complete and true to the best of my knowledge. * Yes I understand the permanent nature of receiving body art and that removal can be expensive and may leave scars on the procedure site. * Yes The body art described or shown on the client record form is correctly placed to my specifications. * Yes All questions about the body art procedure have been answered to my satisfaction, and I have been given written aftercare instructions for the procedure I am about to receive. * Yes I understand the restrictions on physical activities such as bathing, recreational water activities, gardening, contact with animals, and the durations of the restrictions. * Yes I am aware of the signs and symptoms of infection, including, but not limited to redness, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, elevated body temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site. * Yes I understand there is a possibility of getting an infection as a result of receiving body art and I will seek professional medical attention if signs and symptoms of infection occur. * Yes I understand that there is a chance I might feel lightheaded, dizzy during or after being tattooed. * Yes I agree to immediately notify the artist in the event I feel lightheaded, dizzy and/or faint before, during or after the procedure. * Yes I agree to and give Black Lantern Art Collective and my tattoo artist permission to take videos and pictures of the work provided and allow the aforementioned parties to share them inter-personally and on social media platforms for promotion of their services. * Yes By Checking this Box I Agree * I have been fully informed of the risks of body art including but not limited to infection, scarring, difficulties in detecting melanoma, and allergic reactions to tattoo pigment, latex gloves, and antibiotics. Having been informed of the potential risks associated with a body art procedure, I still wish to proceed with the body art application and I assume any and all risks that may arise from body art. I understand by checking this box I am providing the mutual assent required to form a legally binding agreement. Thank you! Please inform your artist you have submitted your Consent Form.